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Shame on USA politics!

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According to THIS article, cost of all federal USA elections in 2012 is estimated at about $6 billion. Cost of the presidential campaign alone is estimated to come in at $2.5 billion.


Their high court has also ruled that large campaign donators can remain anonymous. You'd have to expect all the "donators" calling in the favours after the election. Obviously Australian politics follows the same trend, but just the amount of money blew me away. Don't care how you cut it, or what your politics are, that is an obscene amount of money to be spending, all to buy political power and influence.


NASA's 2013 budget is only $17 billion. More money spent there on reaching goals for all humanity offers better value for money methinks.





PS. Not meant to be a political thread, just a thread on a shocking waste of money.

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No Felix, its not promoting politcs, not favouring one side or the other, just disbelief it has so much money thrown at it.


I know it isn't, but I think the responses will be, hence the popcorn smilie. Using the word "politics" in the title of the thread is risky, IMO



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Some of the stats they've put out for the amount of ads used are as bad, must feel like clockwork orange style brainwashing at times. Unfortunately the stats also say if you repeat it often enough and loud enough, people will believe it... and negative messages work better than positive ones.
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I was in North Carolina (one of the 9 so called 'battle ground' states) 2 weeks ago, it wasn't uncommon for every single ad in an ad break to be related to the election in one form or another - our side is good, the other side sucks etc - I've never seen anything like it.
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Unbeleviable waste of cash resources:o. Just finished reading John Grishams "The Brethren". One of the characters is a little known senator minding his own business and voting where he's told. The powerbrokers from behind the scene (CIA etc)want a puppet in power who will do their bidding.Its not the main thread of the story but the $$$$ spent on getting him in is astounding- Fiction I know:unsure
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All politicans and political parties suck and care about nothing but themsleves, the pay packet and the perks during and after being in office!

They should all be lynched.

Voting is a joke and a complete waste of time.

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For me I think it's more the system than the people, plenty of pollies go into it for the right reasons and there is still a lot more money to be made, legally and illegally, in the private sector. Sure there'll always be some pollies who get into it for the con but that's true for any job (the army attracts people who want to serve their country or like order... and those that want to play with guns and shoot people, again in a minority).


The bigger the organisation the less efficient it is and with government the vast majority of the people can be trying to do an honest and good job and still the end result is mass bottle necks, incompetence and waste.

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Why is this Shit being televised live on Australian television?

Your kidding! :( When did Aussie TV start this rubbish?


Get all the countries saturated with USA bullsh!t then when they kick in the NWO due to their own orchestrated collapse of the financial system, its not as a harsh blow to us(all countries),

we'll be like meh, so used to yanks being a part of our country.

And to a lesser extent, they put this on our TV so whoever gets nominated, we can remember, Oh he was a nice guy during his TV appearances, he must have a totally justified, sane reason to bomb innocent civilians all over the world and I can trust him with his "Kill List".

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